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Emelie Crystal

Alias: Emelie Crystel, Emelie Devot

Pays: Germany

Née: July 31, 1997

œil: Brown

Cheveu: Brown

La taille: 170 cm

Poids: 54 kg

Seins: Natural

Des vues: 0

Emelie Crystal vidéos

1 Vidéos
I'm Emelie and live in Stuttgart (Germany). However, I spent the first years of my life in France, more precisely in a small coastal town called Carry-le-Rouet near Marseille. Due to my job my parents had to move to Germany and we ended up in the Stuttgart region. I have remained true to the city and still live here today. I successfully graduated from high school, spent a year in England and now I'm studying here in Stuttgart (Germany).

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